You learn from what's killing you.

October 28, 2011

Ill start with the beautful Akemi.

Hapa is Prapa even in Brazil!

Two Wheels Brazil!

Thank you so much Paulo, Eddie, Vivi, Chris, and everyone else I got to see and hang with and talk to while i was in Sao Paulo.

It was a quick 3 days but it was absolutely incredible.
Lots of pix to come!

October 26, 2011

October 22, 2011

October 19, 2011

And if you are in SF tomorrow night...

You might have seen Calypso's Post below...

I invited her a while back to contribute to my blog. She will be here from time to time as she can be.
She rules, we met when about 4 years ago she came out and shot my knuckle for some french magazine. We have since become very, very close. She is one of my best friends.

Thats her... self portrait taken with my camera

I bet a lot of of you industry types know her as well as she is everywhere...
I'm STOKED to have her here!
Everyone give her a good welcome!!!

If you are in Chicago this week...

Hot, Bloody Naked Girls!!!

Including Miss Crash...

October 16, 2011

Here Goes Nothing!


My name is Calypso, I live in Paris most of the time and I'm a photographer. I like unicorns, rainbows, motorcycles and taking pictures of naked girls.

Dave invited me to post on his blog sometime, I was so honored, it took me a while to actually do it. I guess it was stage fright!

I won't be able to post too much as of now cause I kind of live off the grid at the moment! Long story, you don't wanna know...

By the way, I'm not French, I'm Belgian!

Here goes nothing!

PS: This is a picture of my friend Heyltje Rose, I realize the gloves reference might be to soon but this was not choreographed. I pinky swear!

October 15, 2011

Pomona Flattrack Tonight!

be there.

T-Rod will be running his sidecar bike on the half mile at the intermisson!!!

October 14, 2011

Chop Saws are Dangerous.

This happened in a split second. Didn't have the part clamped tight enough, and went to tighten it and it slipped.
The actual pix are graphic. VERY.

So, needless to say, be careful.

You dont want to end up like Nine Half and now me, coz together we make 19, and 19 sux.