You learn from what's killing you.

January 14, 2009

Very Large Engine!

No idea what is for tho, but thanx to Eric for the pix, pretty neat!


Micah said...

I'm thinking a very large ship or submarine.

BOB'S BLOG said...

Yep that's a Marine Diesel...I should know I served a 4 year apprenticeship fixing the fucking things! Cool Pics tho'

Anonymous said...

Yup, it's a Sulzer 2 stroke marine diesel.

"Each cylinder displaces 111,143 cubic inches (1820 liters) and produces 7780 horsepower"

Check it out here, more pics:


Anonymous said...

That motor is NOT big. It just looks that way with all those little chinamen working on it. HA

Beaner said...

For VLCC supertankers and dry bulk container ships built in Hyundai shipyards in Ulasn here in Korea.

Big fucking 2 stroke Diesels cranking away at like 160 RPM.

ScooterMcRad said...

It's for a container ship. Built by Wartsila-Sulzer. It's a two-stroke Diesel, 111,143 cubic inches and produces 7780 hp. There's also a 14-cylinder version that will put out 108,920 hp and has a displacement of 1,556,002! DAMN! :) Do a search for the maker... Neat stuff!

Anonymous said...

You my friend are right.
Container ships. the same big ass ships at the LBC Port.
Great stuff man my Dad was a ATC in Vietnam.

alwayz ez Eric!

RACERTON said...

headgasket leak. oh shit get the crane.