You learn from what's killing you.

February 26, 2008

Someone was complaining about airplane posts...


really, what is cooler than this shit??? EVERYTHING on your otorcycle can pretty much be traced back to something that was done on a damn airplane first...


Anonymous said...

Fuck those Cocksmokers! I really like the airplane posts. Rule It Dave

Beaner said...

Keep on keepin' on Dave. I get wood on aviation posts and couldn't imagine doing anything else in life other than being an aircraft mechanic, well maybe as a pilot but I digress...

lowfiron said...

go to Santa Paula first Sunday, I think. Call or email Kurt Morrow, he knows.
some great old planes and some bikes now & then.

Bird said...

Awww...who cares. This stuff is wicked. Let em complain. I am diggin the hell out of your aircraft stuff!