You learn from what's killing you.

September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to SUGAR BEAR!!!

Saturday there was a small party at Sugar Bears shop to celebrate his 70th birthday!!!
I have a ton of respect for Sugar Bear as he's one of those guys who has always done it his way and not comprimised, for the past FORTY YEARS!!!
Some quick pix!

This is the FIRST springer Sugar Bear EVER built!!!

Lots of chopper glory like this there too!

and tacos

and me and the Bear himself!

big thanks as well to his wife Fuji for putting the party together!



J-Rod said...

Wow, he doesn't look 70.

Skylar said...

Pioneer right there! So many kids see the Capt. America bike but don't know who this guy is.

By Hand and By Brain said...

Yeah!! Sugar Bear rules! I met Him at Mann and he just told me to 'keep on.' oh yeah!
Dave whats up- I gotta come by to see you man-

LUCKY said...

RULER! Love the intervue in the Horse!