You learn from what's killing you.

October 22, 2013

The Hell on Wheels hillclimb.

I didn't go. 
I was too busy getting my website ready to relaunch.
I am stoked to relaunch, the response has been KILLER, thank you all! 
I am so bummed, it looked so fuckin rad!

So rad that Jason McCann and I are building a bike just for it next year. 
So we won't suck as we will rule the hill! 
I hope, we'd be happy just to beat Jason Klements up the hill. so, in true form, here are some pictures of guys actually RIDING their bikes!

Thanx to Jeff Hiatt for these pix, i thought I had lost them and spent HOURS tearing my shop apart trying to find them, they are so fucking awesome.  needless to say i was stoked to re-locate them!

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