The true glory of Des Moines, Iowa and Lacrosse, Wisconsin!

Jeff Wright, our hero and the ruler of Des Moines (he hates it when i say that)

Annie, our intern/clipboard no haver/ beer finder/girl on the spot for the weekend, thanx Annie

The One and Only Fatty, part of the true triumvirate of excellence

Don't know who this is, she was getting married at our hotel

John, another part of the Triumvirate, hero mother fucker

Billy T master of the italina motorcycle world and Hiromi Kawakita, daughter of the winner of the buildoff Keiji Kawakita

These two rulers, Opie and Ted, are the sole reason that S&S rules, (in my opinion at least)

Fab Kevin with Hammer and Englishman from the Horse magazine

Aaron, one of the original fuckers

Bill Dodge, love him or hate him...

Eric Bennett one of the two man team that is Bennets performance in Long Beach, the ONLY american winners at the S&S Build Off!

Keiji Kawakita, Hot Dock, WINNER of the build off!

His wife Megu, it was her birthday as well

Yass, jap fotog!

Straight from Long Beach, Jose!

Chris from Cycle Source mag

These people are all in the tent at once, it was like this all weekend in lacrosse

Don't know who this is but she was cute!

Jeff Wright, Gouge and me. we all owe Gouge a ton! thanx man!

These guys are responsible for the Wakan, the most insane XL powered sportbike ever!
Adam, ruler, he's as fuzzy as this pic as it's 11 am and they finally got kicked out of the bar

Tevelene - Super Co thats his pan i posted last night

Thsi is Lexx West, my new faorite girl from Australia

Donny from Sucker Punch Sallys

Mother fuckin RANDY!!!
Lindsey after she done stole my hat

Dustin doin what he does best

Motoyan, the guy thats responsible for that APB

uh, me

Makonabe, publisher of Hardcore Chopper mag, fresh off the plane and fresh into 8 tacos!


Kiwi Mike

Nick, fuckin chopper hero from WAY back!

Maggie and motoyan
If you were there and aren't here, tough!!!
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