You learn from what's killing you.

June 21, 2008

Ok, its true, I am a Star Wars nerd

and when I was a little kid, my favorite toys in the world were legos, that is before I discovered the fun of fireworks, you know building them into models and lighting them on fire so they explode...

anyway, this is the coolest lego set EVER!!!
The Mother fucking DEATH STAR!!!

And look at all the rad figures!!!


thats no moon, thats a space station!!!


Jer said...

That is maybe the best thing I have ever seen. I too was a lego nerd.

Bird said...

It's to big to be a space station!

Anonymous said...

CD: I just had 4 sausage and egg McMuffins for breakfast!

me: Oh no, I feel a disturbance in the force

CD: I find your lack of faith disturbing...

me: Oh, shut up

hogtownhd said...

That is pretty bitchin', but I still dig the Lego Knights that I had as a kid. There were all kinds of weapons and armor and stuff for those little guys.

LUCKY said...

I had legos to but once I discoverd girls the legos and starwars stuff got tossed and I still kick myself in the ass for that!!!