X-Men, Spiderman, The Avengers you name it, well, I never read Punisher or Ghost Rider..
But I was always a Iron Man fan.
As far as the Marvel comics movies seems to go, it's a crap shoot. I liked the X-Men movies, well, i really would have liked Jean Grey dressed as marvel girl (Okay fine, just coz Famke Jansen is fuckin hot even if she is a little too skinny for my tastes)
and Electra made me fuckin mad coz Jenifer Garner is NO Electra, I would have liked Catherine Zeta Jones better as Electra, or even the asian girl who was her enemy in the movie. And Daredevil, wow, what a let down.
But, I just got back from Iowa and spent the day with my girl as I hadn't seen her for a week, we went to see Iron Man.

IT FUCKIN RULED, period. Yeah the story was really just an intro to Ironman with his origin and all and of course its a bit different from the comic, but damn, it was killer. In my opinion the Best Marvel Comic movie yet. It also gives an opening for S.H.I.E.L.D. and introduces Nick Fury after the credits and Nick Fury gives an opening for the Avengers. The first indication in one of these movies that they will finally link all the worlds together as they were with the comics..
Shit, im a fuckin geek. This is probably the most I have ever written on one blog post...
Oh well, I don't care, it was KILLER.
Nelson, you wanna go see it? Id be happy to see it again!
Amen brotha.
Can't wait to go see it this week!
One of my freinds commented that it's almost as if the movie company genetically enginereed Robert Downey Jr. SPECIFICALLY to play Tony Stark when the time was right.
Can I take my 6 year old to it? He loves Transformers.
Did you see my name In the credits my first movie I worked on from begining to end. Did you see the end there was another clip with Samuel Jackson.
they had fluffers working on that movie?
It was cool to see a couple Zero bikes snuck in there too.
I wanna see it! Don't know when! There's a kid that sells new movies in front of Roscoe's for $5. He lets you check out the quality before hand on his portable DVD player too. I bet he already has Iron Man!
went with my 3 Boys last night ,It was Fucking killer !
It's pretty unanimous, everyone I know who is even remotely into Marvel (And even all the ones who aren't) love this movie. I think movies like this are the reason Marvel started their own studio. I was reading online that all the Avengers (even Ant Man and Nick Fury) will getting their own films, then it'll all culminate with an Avengers movie in 2011. They're doing the whole Marvel universe in an ongoing, flexible, interactive format... its going to rule. Especially if this movie is any indication of how good they're going to be...
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